
Reflecting at 25: Gratitude, Growth, and Future Aspirations

Reflecting at 25: Gratitude, Growth, and Future Aspirations As I turn 25 on December 17, 2023, I find myself standing at the intersection of the past and the future, taking a moment to reflect on the journey that has brought me to this point. Gratitude for Diverse Lessons: One of the most remarkable aspects of my journey has been the diverse array of people who have crossed my path. Each person, whether a fleeting presence or a constant companion, has left an indelible mark on my life. From profound life lessons to simple yet invaluable wisdom, I've learned that growth often comes in unexpected forms. Navigating Shifts: Working both morning and evening shifts from different locations has been a testament to my resilience and adaptability. The challenges presented have not only strengthened my work ethic but have also expanded my capacity to embrace change. In the ebb and flow of the daily grind, I've discovered the power of perseverance. Family, the Pillar of Support: Through...

Maxaynu Wax U Akhrinaa?

  Sidee unoqonkartaa qof kufiican wax Akhriska Akhrisku waa mid ka mid ah hilinnada aqoonta looga arooro.Waa quudka maskaxda. Waa dhex mushaaxa caqliyada dadka, waana nolol kale oo dheeraad ah. Bulshooyinka aayahooda aqooneed iyo horumarba waxa laga dheehdaa, sida ay akhriska ugu kala horreeyaan, qofkana ogaalkiisu wuxu gaadhsiisan yahay kalba inta akhriskiisu yahay. Akhrisku bulshooyinka feejigan, mustaqbalkana abdo ka qaba, wuxu uga dhiganyahay, baahiyaha lagama maarmaanka ah, sida: cunista iyo cabista, ma qofbaa noolaan kara cunto iyo cabbis la’aan? Sidaas oo kale akhris la’aantuna waa xaalad taas la mid ah. Bulshooyinka aan dareemin qiimaha akhrisku leeyahay, ubadkooda aan ku ababin, waxyaalihii fududaynlahaana  aan samayn, noloshooda ayey ka muuqataa, waxaaba la odhan karaa bulshada aan waxba akhriyini maba noola! Bulshadeennu waxay ka mid tahay, dadyowga aan dhaadanayn qiimaha aqoonta, aqoonyahan iyo caamaba arrintaa waa laga siman yahay, iyadoo ay sidaa ahayd baa maanta...

Buugtii aan akhriyey 2020

This year for sure got the best of us all, we have seen ups and we have seen the lowest of lows in 2020. I know for sure I faced my own trials but they only made me stronger, I took this year & used it to my greatest advantage. gained all the knowledge & strength I possibly could. Mark my word "2021 is going to be a book with 365 blank pages, think carefully for what you will write on it, because there is no eraser" In this article I will be discussing about the top books that I read during 2020, not all but only the ones I thought it will be valuable to anyone who comes across them. 1- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari  2- Rich Dad Poor Dad 3- Dead As Doornail 4- How to win friends and influence them 5- The fault in our stars 6- Think like a monk 7-The subtle art of not giving F*ck 8- The books that devoured my father 9- Baalkaygii Madoobaa 10- White Nights  You may have already came across these books, I would be so grateful that we have shared same author's books i...

Gorfaynta Buugga Dabinkii Jiraalka

 Gorfaynta buugga: Dabinkii Jiraalka Mustafe Cabdilaahi Cismaan (Faynuus) Qore: Maxamed Xirsi Bogagga:187. Daabacaadda: Hiil Press.               Muddo bilo ah oo aanan Soomaali buug ama qormo xitaa ku akhrin, baa fasaxii COVID19 fakaag u helay buuggan oo la ii ammaanay, la iigana digay in qoraagu Calmaani fogaaday yahay oo aan iska ilaaliyo! Maalin aniga dhowr saac oo aan akhrinaayay ka dib, dibadda u baxay si aan nasasho yar ugu soo qaato, oo aan awood iyo baaxad iga luntay intii aan fadhiyay u soo ceshado, waaba isaga oo buuggii gacanta ku haya oo akhrisanaya, buugaagta kale ugama aan baqan jirine, kan waan u naxay, da' uu ku xammilo shahwaaniyaddan qaawan iyo garaad uu ku qaadi karo fikirradan mutuxan ee buuggan ku dhigan ma uu jiro!  Si tartiib ah baan u wayddiiyay bogga uu maraayo, oo waaba aan hubsaday, "Waa Alle mahaddii, meelihii baas ma uu gaadhin" baan hoosta ka idhi, si farsamaysanna waan uga furdaamiyay oo sidii baan ku sii ...

From Zero To Hero

  Why I wrote this Book? I’ve never been much of a writer but the last few months I decided to write a book. Just like that. The book was meant to be a present for my students. They are at the stage in life in which the communication between us is difficult, to say the least. Because if you were around for the past few weeks I decided to retire for being a lecturer or as you call Teacher. So I thought, maybe it’s a good idea to use the written word to get my message across not only them but whoever might be facing difficulties in life and hardships.   The idea was to let them know about my point of view, about our relationship, about how I felt when I was at their age. On top of that, I offered plenty of unsolicited advice about life, the future, and the meaning of life. Most of that will probably be discarded as nonsense (an quite rightly so). Some of the main reasons why I wrote this book is: I wanted to show them that I care. They should know that, but often I feel they see...

Maxaan Sheeka-faneedda u Jeclahay?

  “ Akhristuhu intaanu dhiman wuxuu noolaadaa kun nololood, halka kan aan waxba akhrin uu noolaado nolol keli ah/ A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The one who never reads, lives only one. ” – George M. M. Martin Weyddiintaa sare ee ciwaanka u ah qormadayda waxaa maalin dhexdaas ah i weyddiiyey mid ka mid ah saaxiibadayda iigu dhow. Maxaad sheeka-fanneeda u jeceshahay? Markaa kadib ayaan go’aansaday in aan saaxiibkay qormadan ugu jawaabo. Balse hor iyo horraan sidaan qabo waxaynu sheeko fanneeda u jecelnahay waxay xidhiidh toos ah la leedahay dhallaanimadeeda ama sababta aynu carruurnimadeennii u jeclayn sheeko xariirada; qaybta ka ah tiraab suugaaneedka qadiimka ah. Ka Afrikaan ahaan ka sokoow, Soomaalideennu tiraab suugaaneedka ab-ka-gaadhka ah hiddo iyo dhaqan soojireen ah ayeynu u lahayn, imminkana u leennahay. Si gaara sheekooyinka hal’abuurka sarreeya ku dhisan ee lagaga hadalsiiyo xayawaanka dab joog iyo duur joogba. Sidaa awgeed horraantaba inaan sheeko fannee...

Good Bye

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمدُ للهِ الذي قال : ( وتلك الأيام نداولها بين الناس ) وصلى الله على نبيِّنا محمدٍ الذي قال له جبريلُ : ( أحببْ من شئت فإنك مفارقه ) وعلى آله وصحبه ومن سار على نهجه  إلى يوم الدين وبعد  : فإنّ لكلّ بداية نهاية ، وبعد كلّ لقاء فراقٌ ، وشمسُ اللقاء يتبعها ليلُ الوداع   بعد أنْ أمضيتُ أعوامًا معكم ، وتشرفتُ فيها بمعرفتكم وصحبتكم والأنسِ بكم ، وبعد أنْ استمتعتُ بأيام ٍرائعةٍ ، وليالي باهرةٍ يعجزُ القلمُ عن وصفها ورسمها ، والقلبُ عن البوح بها ؛ لعظيم حسنِها وجمالها . أعوامًا حافلةً بروائع الفوائد ، وبدائع الفرائد ، أعوامًا تسطّر أيامها بماء الذهب ، وتنسجُ أحداثها بلآلئ الفضة . كيف لا ! وقد صاحبتُ فيها أرواحَكم الطاهرة وقلوبَكم الزكية . لقد سلكنا دروبَ المحبة والإخاء ونسجْنا حروفَ المودة والعطاء . وها هي الأيامُ انقضتْ ، وشمسُ الوداع أشرقتْ ، وسفينة الرحيل أبحرت . تصرّمتِ الأيام وانطوى بساطها وانتهت أحداثها وانقضت أحلامها . ما أجملَ تلك الأيام الرائعة ففيها تعرفتُ عليكم ، وأنِستُ بصحبتكم ومجالستكم . أيامٍ غابرة تدخل حديقة الذكريات لتشكل أزهارًا مشر...